Sairam Muralidharan
1 min readJul 3, 2024

The Dawn of Downvotes for Post Replies: Insights for Marketers by Sairam Muralidharan

The Downvote Revolution: How This Can Change Marketing and Tech

Picture this: social media users, armed with their personal preferences, shaping the digital anthropology like never before. They mold conversations, amplify sentiments, and now, with the advent of downvoting, they will possess the power to shroud unwelcome replies into oblivion. This development is not just a ripple but a tsunami that will redefine the landscape for brands, businesses, and marketers. But how, you ask? Let me, Sairam Muralidharan, marketing expert, guide you pragmatically through this.

  1. Key Takeaways
  • Downvotes will allow users to control the tone and visibility of comments.
  • Brands need to be vigilant in managing their online reputation.
  • SEO ranking could potentially be impacted depending on how this feature is implemented.
  1. Insights
  2. Benefits for Brands/Businesses/Marketers & Tech People

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